Friday, January 18, 2013

Trading Sex and the City for Marriage and the Suburbs

When I started watching Sex and the City in seventh grade, I thought I wanted to grow up to be Carrie Bradshaw.

I wanted to be a writer, I wanted to live in Manhattan, and I wanted to have love stories worth telling to the world.

Well, much like my dreams of being a preteen popstar, my dreams of being Carrie Bradshaw didn't quite come true.

What probably changed the course of my wannabe Sex and the City life most was the fact that I met my husband, Brian, during my first weekend of college.

I had envisioned that college would be my coming out period. Coming out as a single girl on the prowl, that is. I even got a head start on the college dating scene by signing up for Facebook and proceeding to friend any guy who was a) cute and b) a freshman at UCI. Turns out what I thought would be the start of my romantic renaissance, filled with a lot of new guys and  a lot of new adventures, turned into the beginning of my life with Brian – maybe just one guy, but still plenty of adventures.

I friended him (among many others), he messaged me, we talked until September came around, and then we met the first weekend after school started. Now we're married and although I didn't turn out to be Carrie, I'm pretty damn happy.

But just because I'm not single (and haven't been for over seven years), doesn't mean I don't have stories. Some are about me, some are about my married friends and some are about my single ones (that I enjoy living vicariously through).

It's taken me a while, but I've finally discovered that when it comes to love and relationships, you don't need Sex and the City to make things interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I also wanted to be a popstar as a preteen! Then I realized i cannot dance. It's not too late though, we could give it a try.
