Monday, January 21, 2013

The Couple Who Gets Sick Together, Sticks Together

Over 100-degree fevers, chills, muscle aches and pains, runny noses, hacking coughs - just another night at the Johnson's!

Pretty much like everyone else in the country, Brian and I came down with the flu a few weeks back. Actually, after giving me a healthy dose of TLC (in between a little indoor shooting here and a little gaming there), the sickness struck Brian too. To add to his misery, the lucky guy got it while he was away in Orlando for work.

Even though we were at our shittiest (looking and feeling), sharing the flu had the strange affect of creating a deeper sense of intimacy between us. Besides the waiting on each other and spending the majority of our time together while we avoided the outside world, there's something about seeing one another at our grossest - snot and sweat pouring everywhere - that allowed us to experience what love and marriage are all about: taking care of your sweetie when they're at their most vulnerable.

Yes, we were basically zombies most of the time - pretty much only able to sit on our asses and watch an endless stream of television while blowing our noses and coughing up our lungs - but that's something I can't do even with my closest friends.

My mom always says absence makes the heart grow fonder (a saying that sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me after hearing it millions of times), but the fact that Brian was away for almost three days while we had the flu made my heart ache as much as the rest of my body. I was lonely (except for the loyal and loving companionship of my beloved beagle) and depressed.

And to top things off, the power went out while Brian was gone...just my luck. Okay, it was only for a total of 30 minutes when I got home from work, but really there's nothing lonelier than being by yourself in the dark. Needless to say, when Brian came home to me and Gordon, stuffy nose, sore throat and all, I couldn't have been happier - I would have jumped on him if I could!

I used to want to be left alone when I was feeling my worst, but now part of the recovery process for me is spending time with the hubby. Well, that and NyQuil...lots and lots of NyQuil.

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