Saturday, January 26, 2013

Brian, Me and The Almighty TV

Brian and I watch a lot of TV. In fact, the majority of our post-work hours are spent on the couch catching up on our favorite shows or perusing random movies and documentaries on Netflix.

This may seem like a big, fat waste of our precious free time when we could be committing ourselves to being productive and checking items off our vast and varied daily domestic to-do list: paying bills, mopping floors, folding laundry, cleaning toilets...but who wants to do that after a long, laborious day at work?

I don't know about you, but I need my rest. My brain needs a break from the worries and cares of my life, so I can focus on the lives of my fictional friends (shout out to Liz Lemon)!

Brian's drug of choice for unwinding after a long work day used to be playing computer games and only that. When we moved in together though, we soon realized that he needed to hop on my TV-watching bandwagon pronto because that would be our only means of spending quality time with each other during the week. That and walking Gordon together, of course.

God knows that was a more realistic solution than getting me to become a gamer. I mean...common.

Although I have not morphed into the Call of Duty playing, dragon slaying gamer girl of his dreams, I think Brian would agree that I have been pretty awesome about keeping an open mind to his TV series selections.

Who would have thought I'd become a die-hard Dexter fanatic? A zealous, zombie apocalypse-obsessed Walking Dead devotee, or even an Archer enthusiast? Although the Archer thing is more about the deal we worked out in which Brian must give me unlimited back scratches throughout the duration of that screwball cartoon comedy.

Looking forward to watching those shows every week has played an integral part of building the everlasting bond between Brian and I. Sharing the shock and laughter that lasts beyond the actual episodes and injects itself into our daily lives through our inside jokes connects us just as much as any other activity we partake in together and make memories from.

Of course, I still need my mindless Monday nights spent watching The Bachelor with my buddies, Sarah and Lauren, and Brian still needs to blow off steam by blowing up imaginary things on his computer screen.

But, there's something so special and satisfying about Brian and I sharing the suspense of what will happen on the next season of Dexter, whether the walkers will finally overtake Rick Grimes and his bad ass band of survivors, if Liz Lemon can ever successfully tame the incessant insanity of Jenna Maroney and Tracy Jordan under the watchful eye of her mentor, Jack Donaghy.

These characters have been inextricably weaved into the fabric of our lives, bringing Brian and I closer through their fascinating, albeit fictional stories. And for that, I am forever grateful.


  1. I love Dexter & Walking Dead too, & also watch them with my bf. Im a TV addict,and I also found it is a fun bonding activity when we can discuss it after, at length. Cant believe 30 Rock is ending!

    1. I know!! I can't believe 30 rock is ending either! But they seem to be wrapping the story up quite nicely! Dude, Aimee..we need to hang out! Let me know next time you're in the OC!!
